Norberto Moreau suggests
gran canaria

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"catrank":"0","grp":"xx", "file":"expats-las-palmas-gran-canaria.php" },{ "es":"Consulados","en":"Consulates","de":"Konsulate", "cat":"neg","sel":"a","adid":"750","catrank":"0","grp":"xx", "file":"consulados.php" },{ "es":"Imprentas","en":"Printshops","de":"Druckereien", "cat":"neg","sel":"a","adid":"860","catrank":"0","grp":"xx", "file":"printshops.php" },{ "es":"Dispositivos electrónicos","en":"Electronic Devices","de":"Elektronische Geräte", "cat":"neg","sel":"a","adid":"862","catrank":"0","grp":"xx", "file":"electronic-devices.php" },{ "es":"Talleres","en":"Crafts Workshops","de":"Handwerks Workshops", "cat":"neg","sel":"a","adid":"823","catrank":"0","grp":"xx", "file":"crafts-workshops.php" },{ "es":"Online Shops","en":"Online Shops","de":"Online Shops", "cat":"neg","sel":"a","adid":"783","catrank":"0","grp":"xx", "file":"canary-online-shops.php" }, { "es":"Salud","en":"Health","de":"Gesundheit", "cat":"salud","sel":"a","adid":"446","catrank":"1","grp":"xx", "file":"health.php" 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Real Estate

GCan Real Estate

Acquisition, sale and rental of commercial and residencial real estate in tourist regions, in cooperation with local agencies. Discret sale of property assets or assets of companies. Specialized to foreign clients. We talk es en de 


We don't do magic, but we'll get you new clients.

Your website in 24h



Special price for clients of the DigiCard: instead of 599 €, only 320 €!

Restaurante Rincón Aragonés

Have a mojito, cocktail or a glass of wine while enjoying a beautiful sunset.
C/ Sagasta, 66, Las Canteras, 35008 Las Palmas de GC. Tel: 928915335. We talk es en de 

Home Delivery Service


Servicio de reparación a domicilio

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Servicio al domicilio



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
We talk en es de 


Our Project

Covid-19 Measures

In the CoronaVirus phase we have adapted to the circumstances, adjusting to a new and innovative way of driving business as a shock action for this crisis. Because of private reasons during the time of the crisis, the updated project started in Gran Canaria.


From CityInsiderXYZ present in Spain (Valencia, Denia, Javea, Altea, Barcelona, Ibiza), France (Cannes, Antibes, Nice, Saint Tropez), Monaco, Italy (Venice, Naples) the local project of Gran Canaria GCanXYZ has been born, giving more visibility to our local clients.


At GCan•xyz (abbreviation of Gran Canaria and CityInsiderXYZ supplement) we have focused on the foreign as well as national residents and to online workers with a good economy who already live here or are staying for a long time.


Norberto Moreau

More than 20 years of professional experience with services in tourist regions of various countries, in cooperation with local agencies.

Since 2020 regularly in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria for personal reasons.


Your clients are online

You can't wait for customers to come to you. You have to find out where they are and bring them to your business.
- Norberto Moreau

Pastelería SanMartín Siete Palmas

Since 1984, Pastelería San Martín has been offering its customers a wide assortment of handmade cakes, especially French.
C/ Fondos de Segura, 11, 35019 Las Palmas GC. Tel: 633438198
We talk es en 

Look there!!!
Thats not all,
keep reading!!
(in spanish)

- 1 -

Luchemos por lo CANARIO!!

En tiempos de Covid-19, ha nacido la publicidad gratuita para nuestros productores agrícolas y ganaderos, así como los vinícolas, avícolas, distribuidores, mayoristas, etc, con el fin último de ayudarles con un pequeño gran impulso, tratando de mejorar y potenciar la visibilidad de sus negocios, sobre todo en Gran Canaria, a la vista de clientes locales que aún no conozcan sus líneas de negocio, así como para el cliente extranjero que viene a nuestra isla y siempre está muy interesado en conocer nuestras costumbres y sobre todo nuestra gastronomía, para poder degustarla y promocionarla fuera de nuestras fronteras.

Normalmente, el turista que viene siempre vuelve y hay otros muchos que incluso a la larga deciden invertir y venir a vivir a Gran Canaria y resto de nuestras islas.

- 2 -

Hagamos que no mueran nuestros mercados canarios!

Por tanto, la expansión de la publicidad es un reclamo urgente para tratar de evitar la muerte lenta de nuestros mercados locales canarios debido a esta catastrófica crisis nunca antes vista.
Al abrir mucho más las compuertas de internet, se abre un gran mundo de infinitas posibilidades de captar nuevos clientes, estén donde estén, porque internet no tiene fronteras!!

- 3 -

Demos oxígeno a nuestros productores!

En CityInsider de Gran Canaria les esperamos con todo el cariño del mundo a que ustedes se decidan a probar esta experiencia que les proponemos, reiteramos, de manera GRATUITA y con ello lograr aumentar el volumen de sus ventas.

- 4 -

Es nuestro compromiso más sincero!

Porque nuestra apuesta es que todos los sectores de producción canarios tomen con fuerza un impulso ascendente para sobrevivir con más optimismo en estos tiempos del Covid-19.

Les esperamos!

Norberto Moreau (Alemán)
Inspiración y creación de contenido por Pily Rodríguez (Canaria)


Paula García, Care & Beauty Studio

Dedicated to hair health with natural products. Request your appointment by WhatsApp 659241740 or 928015066.
Avda. Felo Monzón, 28 L10, 35019 Las Palmas GC.
We talk es en 

Townhall Teror

Teror is a town in the northern part of the island of Gran Canaria. 35330 Teror, Plaza Muro Nuevo, 2, Tel: 928630075

Townhall Telde

Telde is a town in the eastern part of the island of Gran Canaria. 35218 Telde, Plaza de San Juan, 11. Tel. 928139050

Townhall Agaete

Agaete is a town in the north-western part of the island of Gran Canaria. 35480 Agaete, Gran Canaria, C/ Antonio de Armas 1. Tel. 928898002

Townhall Agüimes

Agüimes is a town in the eastern part of the island of Gran Canaria. 35260 Agüimes, Calle Dr. Joaquín Artiles. Tel: 928789980

Townhall Artenara‎

Artenara‎ is a town in the western part of the island of Gran Canaria. Av. Matías Vega, 1, 35350 Artenara, Tel: 928 666 117

Townhall Arucas

Arucas is a town in the northern part of the island of Gran Canaria. 35400 Arucas, Calle Alcalde Suárez Franchy, 11, Tel: 928628126

Townhall Firgas

Firgas is a town in the northern part of the island of Gran Canaria. Firgas, Plaza de San Roque, n.1, Tel: 928625236

Townhall Gáldar

Gáldar is a town in the north-western part of the island of Gran Canaria. Tel: 928880050

Townhall Santa María de Guía

Santa María de Guía is a town in the northern part of the island of Gran Canaria. Tel: 928896555

Townhall Ingenio

Ingenio is a town in the eastern part of the island of Gran Canaria. Tel: 928780076

Townhall Aldea de San Nicolás

La Aldea de San Nicolás‎ is a town in the western part of the island of Gran Canaria. Tel: 928892305

Townhall Mogán

Mogán is a town in the south-western part of the island of Gran Canaria. Tel: 928158800

Townhall Moya

Moya is a town in the northern part of the island of Gran Canaria. Tel: 928611255

Townhall San Bartolomé de Tirajana

San Bartolomé de Tirajana‎ is a town in the southern part of the island of Gran Canaria. Tel: 928723400

Townhall Santa Brígida

Santa Brígida is a town in the north-eastern part of the island of Gran Canaria. Tel: 928648181

Townhall Santa Lucía de Tirajana

Santa Lucía de Tirajana‎ is a town in the central and eastern part of the island of Gran Canaria.

Townhall Las Palmas

Las Palmas is a town in the northern part of the island of Gran Canaria. 35005 Las Palmas, Calle León y Castillo, 270. Tel. 928470043

Townhall Tejeda

Tejeda is a town in the central part of the island of Gran Canaria. Tel: 928666001

Townhall Valleseco

Valleseco is a town in the north-western part of the island of Gran Canaria. Tel: 928618022

Townhall Valsequillo

Valsequillo is a town in the central and eastern part of the island of Gran Canaria. Tel: 928705011

Townhall Vega de San Mateo

Vega de San Mateo is a town in the central and eastern part of the island of Gran Canaria.
Plaza Alameda de Sta. Ana 3, 35320 Vega de San Mateo, Tel: 928661350

Maireth Carrera

Everything in one place!
Integral Beauty Center, Body & Hair,
Calle Fondos de Segura N-11 L10, 35019 Las Palmas GC, Tel: 928392469, 699341736

Veterinary Clinic RehabCan

Animal physiotherapy and rehabilitation in veterinary clinics and homes in Gran Canaria. Calle Hoya del Enamorado 18, 35019 Las Palmas, Tel: 663.721.821 We talk es en pt 

Restaurante Rincón Aragonés

Nuestro restaurante es situado en el Paseo de las Canteras donde puedes tomar un mojito, cocktail o una copa de vino mientras disfrutas de un precioso atardecer.

Restaurante Rincón Aragonés

Nuestro restaurante es situado en el Paseo de las Canteras donde puedes tomar un mojito, cocktail o una copa de vino mientras disfrutas de un precioso atardecer.

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Museo Casa de Colón


Casa África Museo

Casa África strengthens Hispanic-African relations with a programme of cultural, educational and awareness raising activities. It promotes modern, cutting edge art as well as supporting young talent. 35003 Las Palmas, Alfonso XIII

Museo Casa Antonio Padrón

Centro de Arte Indigenista, 35460 Gáldar, C/ Capitán Quesada 3

Museo Casa Pérez Galdós

35002 Las Palmas, Calle Cano 2 y 6

Museo Casa León y Castillo

35100 Telde, C/. León y Castillo 43 - 45

Museo Casa Tomás Morales

35420 Villa de Moya, Plaza de Tomás Morales

Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno

35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, C/. Los Balcones 9 - 11

Museo Fundación Martín Chirino

Fundación de Arte y Pensamiento Martín Chirino – Castillo de La Luz, 35008 Las Palmas, Calle Juan Rejón

Museo Canario

Vegueta, C/ Doctor Verneau, 2, 35001 Las Palmas

Museo de Historia de Agüimes

35260 Agüimes, C/. Juan Alvarado y Saz, 42

Museo de la Ciudad y el Mar Castillo de Mata

35014 Las Palmas, C/ Domingo Guerra del Río (Carretera de Mata)

Museo de la Historia y Tradiciones de Tejeda

35360 Tejeda, Plaza del Socorro

Museo de La Rama

It is a small museum that shows visitors what the Fiesta de la Rama consists of. 35480 Agaete, C/ Párroco Alonso Luján 5

Museo de la Zafra

Colón, 18 35110. Santa Lucía de Tirajana, 35110 Vecindario, C/ Isla de la Graciosa, 33

Museo Diocesano de Arte Sacro

35001 Las Palmas, C/ Espíritu Santo, 20

Museo Elder de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

35007 Las Palmas, Parque Santa Catalina

Museo Etnográfico – Centro de interpretación de Valleseco (MECIV)

35340 Valleseco, C/ Párroco José Hernández Acosta, 11

Museo Etnográfico Casas Cuevas de Artenara

35350 Artenara, Párroco Domingo Báez

Museo Finca Condal

35017 San Bartolomé de Tirajana, GC-500, Km 2,2

Museo Néstor Álamo

35450 Santa María de Guía, C/ San José, 7

Museo y Parque Arqueológico Cueva Pintada

35460 Gáldar, C/ Audiencia, 2

Museo San Martín Centro de Cultura Contemporánea

35001 Las Palmas, Ramón y Cajal 1

Salobre Golf & Resort – New Course

Autopista Gran Canaria 1, Km 53, 35100 Maspalomas

Real Club de Golf de Las Palmas

Bandama s/n, 35380 Santa Brígida / Gran Canaria

Maspalomas Golf

Dune-fringed 18-hole golf course on 988-acres with practice areas, a restaurant & pro shop. Avda. TTOO Neckermann s/n, 35100 Maspalomas / Gran Canaria

Lopesan Meloneras Golf

Autopista GC 500 s/n, 35100 Meloneras / Gran Canaria

Las Palmeras Golf

Avda. Doctor Alfonso Chiscano Díaz, 35019 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

El Cortijo Club de Campo

Autopista del Sur GC 1, Km 6.4, 35213 Telde

Anfi Tauro Golf

Autopista GC-1, km 62 -Valle de Tauro s/n, 35138 Mogán / Gran Canaria

Auditorio Alfredo Kraus y Palacio de Congresos

Avenida Príncipe de Asturias, 35010 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Teatro Pérez Galdós

Plaza Stagno, 1, 35002 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Tel: 928339230

Teatro Cuyás

El Teatro Cuyás es uno de los recintos escénicos de referencia del archipiélago canario.
Calle Viera y Clavijo, 35002 Las Palmas, Tel: 928432180

Teatro Guiniguada

Performing arts theater.
Calle Mesa de León, 2, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Tel: 928321807


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Las Palmas

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"Get inspired by Christmas gift ideas! "


" All municipalities of Gran Canaria "


"Eat at home! "

Good restaurants that offer their dishes to take away and with delivery services.

Home Delivery Service


We fight for the CANARY!!

Look there!!!
Thats not all,
keep reading!!
(in spanish)

"Norberto Moreau"


Information for companies and valuation for clients:


Compra/Venta de Empresas

Invest in a local business. We have been working with service, leisure and gastronomy companies for years.

Household items

"Agüimes Market "

The Agüimes Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every Thursday!


"Arguineguín Market "

The Arguineguín Market (Mogan) on the island of Gran Canaria is every Thursday!


"Arucas Market "

The Arucas Market of Gran Canaria is every Saturday!

Household items

"Gáldar Market "

The Gáldar Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every Thursday!

Religious objects

"Jinámar Market "

The Jinámar Market (Telde) on the island of Gran Canaria is every Sundays!

Household items

"Tunte Market "

The Tunte Market (San Bartolomé de Tirajana) on the island of Gran Canaria is every Sundays!


"Mendizábal Market (Vegueta) "

The Mendizábal Market in Vegueta of Gran Canaria is on the third Saturday of every month!


"Valleseco Market "

The Valleseco Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every Friday, Saturday and Sunday!


"Vegueta Market "

The Vegueta Market in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria is every Sunday except in July, August and September!


"San Bartolome de Tirajana Market "

The San Bartolome de Tirajana Market of Gran Canaria is every Sunday except in July, August and September!

Household items

"Mogan Market "

The Mogán Market is one of the largest and most visited on the island of Gran Canaria. Every Friday!


"Markets "

Household items

"Maspalomas Market "

The Maspalomas Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every Wednesday and Saturday!


"Santa Brígida Market "

The Santa Brígida Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every Friday, Saturday and Sunday!

Religious objects

"Teror Market "

The Teror Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every Sundays!

Religious objects

"Moya Market "

The Moya Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every Sundays!


"Artenara Market "

The Artenara Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every 2. Saturday / month!


"Vega de San Mateo Market "

The Vega de San Mateo Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every Friday, Saturday and Sunday!

Household items

"Santa María de Guía Market "

The Santa María de Guía Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every Tuesday and Sunday!

Household items

"Santa Lucía de Tirajana Market "

The Santa Lucía de Tirajana Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every Sunday!


"Tejeda Agricultural Market "

The Tejeda Market on the island of Gran Canaria is every 1. Sunday / month!


by norbertonoreau Explore the rich history of Gran Canaria through its extensive network of museums, where you can immerse yourself in a variety of themes.

From ancient ships and contemporary art to pre-Hispanic mummies, great painters, famous writers, renowned musicians, typical architecture, aboriginal ceramics, sculptures and much more, these museums offer a fascinating window into the cultural and artistic diversity of Las Palmas.

Add to your experience the detailed knowledge of past and contemporary times, discovering the treasures that reside in every corner of this island.


Buenos Aires Grill

Argentine Restaurant. Enjoy tasty specialties and Big-Batch Dishes of Argentine and Uruguayan meat. View of the Canteras beachand terrace.
Paseo de Canteras / Calle Tenerife 22, 35008 Las Palmas GC, Tel: 680594542 We talk es en de 



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Semilac YsaBella Beauty and Health

EnVogue Nail Salon, specialized in Semilac Semi-permanent Nail Polish, Eyelash Extension, Micropigmentation, Facial and body cosmetics, Training courses. Official distributor of Semilac Products in the Canary Islands.
C/ Pintor Felo Monzón 42 L6, 35019 Las Palmas, Tel:695116792 We talk es en 

Patricia’z Nails - Sculptured Nails

The Patricia´z Nails Beauty Center of Patricia Granado Caballero with a long professional experience will advise you at all times on the most suitable type of nail for both sculpted nails and decoration.
Calle Fondos de Segura, 33, 35019 Las Palmas GC, Tel: 618051257

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The climate in Gran Canaria is mild and pleasant all year round, thanks to its subtropical location. With average temperatures ranging between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius, it is an ideal destination for sun and sea lovers. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in the north of the island, experiences a particularly mild climate, which has earned it the reputation of having the best climate in the world.

The combination of favorable weather conditions and unique topography makes Gran Canaria a surfer's paradise. The most outstanding surfing area is Las Canteras, located in Las Palmas. This area has a variety of beaches and reefs that offer opportunities for surfers of all levels. Whether you are looking for gentle waves for beginners or more intense challenges, Las Canteras has options for all tastes.

The constant presence of trade winds also contributes to optimal surfing conditions on the island. In addition, the water temperature is usually pleasant throughout the year, allowing you to enjoy this exciting water sport in any season. In short, Gran Canaria is a perfect destination for those looking to combine an enviable climate with exciting surfing experiences.


Norberto Moreau 

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My name is Norberto Moreau, owner of various plataformas online and adviser for online sales as well as for digital shops.

I selected your business because it fits perfectly into this project where we bring companies and customers together.

To start working together we offer you as first step a DigiCard on our platform.

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Yegamar - Constructions and Renovations

We seek the happiness and comfort of the client through our work. We make your ideas come true. From housing construction to renovations of the same. From excavating your farm to making stamped concrete. Good value for money. Tel: 606073689


Buy, Renovate and Resell

by norbertonoreauMake more money quicker!

Many foreign buyers of real estate seek the immediate return, avoiding the inconvenience of managing the renovation of their properties.

This dynamic has carved out a highly profitable niche for investors who acquire, renovate and subsequently market properties, earning substantial returns in a remarkably short period of time.

The key lies in identifying properties with considerable potential, but which are offered at affordable prices due to the need for renovation, currently lacking attractiveness.


Accommodation in Gran Canaria

by norbertonoreauWhere to stay? Find the right place from hotels to private rooms. We recommend the booking on well known platforms.


Golf History of Gran Canaria

by norbertonoreauGolf in Gran Canaria has a big advantage because of the climate which enables to practice this sport 365 days of the year. The island played a pioneering role with regard to golf in Spain, as the first golf course in the country was built at Escaleritas in 1891.

The first members of the Club Decano de España (nowadays Real Club de Golf de Las Palmas) were members of the English colony on Gran Canaria which had a strong influence of the island’s tourism industry.

At present, Gran Canaria has seven golf courses. National and international tournaments are held throughout the year.


App´s of the Airports (AENA)

Aena operates in all airports of public interest in Spain. Owner: Ministry of Transport.

The official App is recommended. Download it, plan your trip and get a 10% discount on parking reservations.



"Airport Las Palmas (Tracking: Arrivals and Departures) "


RestArt - Homemade Food and Catering

Food delivery service! We also send to vacation apartments! Our project is to offer you healthy and homemade food made with love like at home.
Secretario Padilla 71, Las Palmas. Tel: 828731818
We talk es it 


Mascota’s Beach - Veterinary Consultation

Veterinary Consultation, Food, Accessories and Complements for your pet. 40m from Las Canteras beach. Home service.
Canteras, Secretario Padilla 98, Las Palmas
Tel: 928394533 We talk es en 

SECTION … on work!

Page with basic structures early launched to be grabbed by the search engines before being filled with content.
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Soon we will dive into more details and recommendations.