If you are seeking or desiring a massage, you have the option to choose from over 80 types, each designed with a wide variety of pressures, movements, and techniques.
When selecting the most suitable treatment, you can choose between a physiotherapist or a massage therapist.
But, what is the distinction between the two? What treatments do they offer, and who is the most suitable professional for addressing each type of injury?
The Physiotherapist is trained to address injuries, muscular pains, or conditions that you may have been carrying for some time. In addition to massages, they also employ other techniques such as hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, or thermotherapy.
The Massage Therapist can provide you with a relaxing massage to help you release work-related stress, enjoy a spa session, or receive a healing treatment. Their services cover everything from cervical whiplash to back tensions, sports injuries, or fatigued muscles.