Townhall Agaete
Agaete is a town in the north-western part of the island of Gran Canaria. 35480 Agaete, Gran Canaria, C/ Antonio de Armas 1. Tel. 928898002
Agaete is a town in the north-western part of the island of Gran Canaria. 35480 Agaete, Gran Canaria, C/ Antonio de Armas 1. Tel. 928898002
Villages belonging to the municipality:
El Valle, El Risco, El Sao, El Hornillo, Guayedra, Piletas, Las Nieves, Agaete
Theaters, cultural centers and public spaces:
Huerto de las Flores, Salón de Actos de Escuelas Artísticas Municipales, Parque Popular – Centro Cultural y de Ocio, Centro Cultural de la Villa de Agaete, Local Social El Risco
Industrial park:
Las Moriscas
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Townhall Agaete