The real estate market in Las Palmas, located on the beautiful island of Gran Canaria, offers a variety of living options and investment opportunities.

As for good neighborhoods to live in, Ciudad Jardín stands out, known for its wide avenues, green areas, and proximity to Las Canteras beach. Also, the Vegueta and Triana area offers a historic charm with its cobbled streets, old buildings, and a great cultural and gastronomic offer. Another prominent neighborhood is Tafira, known for its spacious and luxurious properties, as well as its tranquility and natural surroundings.

Regarding neighborhoods with growth opportunities, areas like Schamann and La Isleta present potential due to their proximity to the city center and the beach, as well as ongoing urban revitalization projects.

For the future in 2024, it is expected that the real estate market in Las Palmas will continue to grow steadily, especially driven by demand for vacation homes and foreign investment. Prices are expected to remain competitive compared to other tourist areas in Spain, which could attract more buyers and investors. Additionally, urban development efforts and infrastructure improvements in various neighborhoods are expected to continue, which could increase their attractiveness and value in the market.